Sunday, September 25, 2016

Character of the month Spooky the tuff little ghost.

I know I dont't post a character every month, but I don't care just realised I posted a comic with hot stuff and spooky but I never introduced the latter..... some people (mainly casper's scare school fans) may be wondering Who the hell is this character? is this another casper ripoff? So I decided to write a post about him...
Spooky is casper's michievous cousin that actually likes to scare humas, which makes him pretty much casper's opposite, pretty much what woulf happen if Hot stuff and casper had a baby with a brooklin accent.
But actually Spooky is one of the oldest characters in casper franchice in fact he has been arround nearly the same time than the ghostly trio,  spooky  debuted in casper the friendly ghost #10 in 1953,,
Afteer a pair of years appearing in casper comics Harvey decided spooky was popular enough to star his own comic:

Spooky in the new adventures of casper
 Spooky also apeared in a lot of casper media, he appeared in some of the best episodes of the original casper show,  april's fool  episode from that show,  is one of the most memorable spooky appearences, Spooky also was one of the main characters in the 90's hit series; the spooktacular new aventures of casper,, despite being auscent in the movie which this cartoon is based on he became one of the funniest characters of the show, later he appearend in casper's haunted christmas His last appearence was as a minor character in the comic book "casper and the spectrals" from 2010.

 I must admit the little rascal is one of my favorite characters in casper franchice, he is mean, mischevous, loves to scare humans and he always gets into funny situations, but the best part of the character is his relationship with  his girlfriend known as pearl aka poil their character interaction is one of the funniest and wackiest in casper series ... Sure they had a ton of couple problems, even  spooky  tried date other girls, but  in the end they make a really good pairing.
Name; Spooky
Species; Ghost
Powers and abilities: Flight, invisibility, intangibility, shape-shiffting, super scream.
First appearance: casper the friendly ghost #10 (1953)

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