Sunday, September 4, 2016

Spooky and Hot stuff in "A menace from mars"

Today I will do  something different, I will post a scan of a classic comic book of the havey characters, this is a good oportunity to post a story starring  two  of my favorite characters in casper franchise, Hot stuff the little devil and spooky tha tuff little ghost (casper's cousin).

Spooky was lucky he is ghost,  otherwise that giant iceberge from outer space would have killed him, I mean look at the size of that crater,

KIds dont do this, when an UFO from outer space lands  over your head, pressing  the red buttons is never a good idea 

I know the comics are old, but did really people think aliens looked  like that? the first one is just a dude wearing a viking helmet, well the second one is a bit less patetic, but it looks lile the typical ogres from harvey comics.

wait, aren't ghost uncorporeal? How can they be frozen by an ordinary alien weapon designed for mundane beings? Nobody knows, but the biggest mystery, is the "boo" being turned to crystals What kind of avanced technology is that?

Wait Is pearl using a plant as a phone?  Forget about alien technology! the enchanted forest has way more advanced stuff.

Blasting those aliens to mars sure puts spooky on superman's power level, but I am more suprised of how Ghost are able to eat.. I mean they have not organs to digest food, also at least Hot stuff and charma can make babies, but I am not so sure about spooky and pearl, anyway the last panel is a really cute escene of "puppy love".

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