Happy halloween, after talking about classic characters I think its time for something different, a Character which isn't part of the original cannon, but became really popular among the fans of the lastest casper's animated series, especially among girls, Of course I mean Thatch the vampire he is like a fangirl magnet.
Thatch debuted in the movie Casper's scare school in 2006, despite being much less popular than other casper movies, introduced a lot of new characters for a new generations of casper fans, well it is a reboot tageted to an public that never read the otiginal casper comics, and I pretty sure thatch is the most popular Casper's scare school character since he stars most of css fanart and fiction.
In the movie the vampire is introduced as the big man at school, the schoool bully and alder and dash's right hand, Thatch casper's opposite mean, unfriendly,arrogant he acts like the main antagonist of the film and casper's rival, manly because the vampire hates casper's friendly personality and tried to get casper expelled, from scare school,
In the TV series he is the leader of his own gang that is always looking for trouble, but he also has different roles, sometimes he helps casper but most of the time he acts like a jerk, especially in the second season where the writers made him the main villain, he made some of the most evil things we have seen in the franchise, very sadly for his fans that wanted him to be a good guy, yeah troll writers!!
He is basically the "Draco malfoy" of casper franchise, that isn't someting bad since I have to admit he was one of funniest character of the series, always gettting into hilarious situations like kissing a frog, being kicked by mickey and he also kissed the sea monster of scare school, it is important to say most of the fanfiction writers use him as main character in their stories and love to pair him with their oc's , He is one of the few CSS character that brought sometime new to the table, this is the first time casper has a rival, and that makes him an interesting addition to the franchise, although CSS was cancelled, seeing thatch again It would be interensting.
Name: Thatch Species: vampire Powers: , bat form (flight) First appareance: Casper's scare school. (2006)
Now I finally updated all the Scare school episodes to the blog, but I don't know how to make the blog more popular,so I am going to update episodes of one of my favorite casper cartoons: The spooktacular new aventures of casper, this show was created in the 90's as an spinoff of the first casper movie, (which is in my opinion the best casper media after casper and the spectrals) the series has a funnier tone than previus casper cartoons, mainly because the character break the fourth wall pretty often, it is kinda similar to series such as animatiacs, More episodes soon.
This is the turn of my favorite character of casper franchise, hot stuff the mischievous little demon, In 1957 After the great success of casper the friendly ghost and Wendy the little good witch, Harvey comics decided to create another characteer based on children's fears and make it harmless and funny, usually all the small children are afraid of the devil, just like ghost and witches, this time the center of attention was a devil kid named Hot stuff, A popular theory implies that Hot Stuff was created using Evil casper from the cartoon "fright from wrong" 1957 as main inspiration, which makes him casper's antithesis.
Unlike Casper and wendy which are friendly characters Hot stuff was imbued with a michevous personality, As with all Harvey kid characters, most of the “bad”
characters are merely mischievous at heart, and usually have good intentions,
despite being a little bit rascally. Harvey had such high hopes for Hot Stuff,
so much so that it didn't even debut as a supporting feature or in the Harvey
Hits tryout series before going to its own series. It turned out to be a wise
choice since Hot Stuff ranks as one of the most popular characters to come out
of Harvey after Casper and Richie Rich, Hot stuff debuted in octuber of 1957 just in time for halloween.
Hot Stuff was originally the only recurrent character of his comics, but soon new faces were added to his supporting charactes; Aunt clinker, Grandpa blaze, Cousing demon: (Hot stuff's stupid cousin), and Charma the fairy princess, character that serves as hot stuff's girlfriend, she is just decribed as hot stuff's main love interest actually in the future Hot stuff became an adult and married her.
A devil and a fairy I am curious about how they children would look
Despite living in the same universe than Wendy and Casper Hot stuff hags out with them just ocasionally, Some fans think he is a toddler because he wears a diaper but actually even adult devils wear diapers in his comics, and he in the same age than casper.
All the devils wear diapers, strange isnt?
Hot Stuff has retained a relatively low profile over the years, compared to other Harvey characters. This is primarily due to the fact that he has never appeared in an animated film, nor has he appeared on a great deal of merchandise. An animated series was attempted in the 60s and again in the 70s, but it was cancelled because a series with a devil as main character was considered too dark for kids, but the character's nature have unfortunately kept him off the airwaves, , he only appearead in comic books and a small/decent amount of merchandise,
Punk suits hot stuff really well
In 2009 He reappeared along with wendy and Casper in the modern reboot of the series titled "casper and the spectrals" which had a darker tone than the old comics, However in casper and the espectrals Hot Stuff has taken on
more of a punk kid look visually, so he wears a more casual outfit a black
t-shirt, blue jeans, and a spike bracelet but He is the same mischevous devil kid from the old havey comics, but this time we were able to meet his family also he was rewritten as the son of the ruler of deviland the realm of the demons in the underworld, actually this is the first hot stuff version I met, and I really liked this little rascal.
Hot stuff also made a small cameo in the simpsons, in the episode "Treehouse of horror XXV" he appears as one of the demons trapped in super hell.
But we can be sure this won't be his last appeareance outside from comics, since recently Dreamworks,company that owns the rights of all the harvey characters including casper and hot stuff, announced they are working on a Hot stuff movie.
Name: Hot stuff
Species: Devil / fire demon
First appearance: Hot stuff the little devil (1957)
Powers and abilities: Flight, invisibility, fire manipulation,intangiblity, fire inmunity, teleportation, super speed, control of body temperature, minor forms of magic, fire-dependent regenerative healing factor, flame breath.
Well this is the turn of the second and last comic of casper scare school, sadly after this issue the next book was delayed forever and eventually the series was cancelled, mainly because the low sales of the previous books, Ape comics worked in a paperback editon with all the 4 comic books but it was cancelled too. Sadly casper used to be an icon in the comic book medium, and his books used to sold millons of units, but Casper is not that popular these days, and sadly CSS is not liked by most of the old fans, casper and the spectrals sold a better and at least we could read the end of the story (but a regular series would have been awesome) Anyway this issue is really good and features one of my favorite characters from the CSS universe: Jackyie hyde.
Yes I know I was already uploading the series but Finally I got the episodes in a better quality, they are in 480p and some of them in 720p, enjoy a better version of the same episodes and I will upload all the episodes with this quality, all the episodes uploaded.
Summary: Casper has a new assignment: get in touch with his spooky side and start scaring "fleshies" OR ELSE! It's a tough enough challenge for the world's friendliest ghost. But when he goes to Scare School to learn his craft, he uncovers a plot by Alder and Dash, the cruel, two-headed headmaster, to take over the world. With only himself and his misfit pals Ra, a mummy with "unraveling issues," and Mantha, a zombie who can't keep her limbs on, the odds are stacked against him. But what Alder and Dash don't realize is that the power of friendliness is greater than any evil plot, and when friends work together nothing can stop them.
Casper's scare school is a Comic book series published by Ape comics in 2010 based on the cartoon of the same name, it faatures brand new 2d art and also it wasn't written by the same people than the series so it has some diferencies for example Wolfie is a member of casper's gang in this stories. yes I said stories because the comic features 4 short stories, two based on casper's scare school and others that basically are recolours of the old casper stories made by Harvey comics. The series was supposed to have 4 issues but sadly it was cancelled after the second comic book and the other issues never were released.
I will use this season to talk about the characters of casper franchise, and I will start with caper because he is the main character.... Duh, The objetive is this section is learning more about the characters and introducing new ones.
Casper was created in the 30′sby seymour reit as a character that was supposed to appear in a book series, however the author sold the character to paramount that started to produce animated shorts about the character, starting with “there is a good boos tonight” that was a big success, a ghost that was afraid of being scary was a really original idea, and kids loved it.
A ghost that disliked to scare humans and prefered making friends, sadly for casper his undead condition doesn't make him exactly popular among people, animals, and even he was rejected byhis fellow ghosts for being so friendly, Casper was something new a monster that usually scares children turned into a loveable cartoon character later Havey comics repeated the same formula by created Wendy the little whitch and Hot stuff the little devil, which are also characters based of the fears of childhood (whitch and devil respectively).
The character was incredible popular, so Harvey comics started to publish a comic book series with the friendly ghosts as main character, later they bought the characters and created most of his supporting characters such as wendy, ghostly trio, spooky, Hot stuff the little devil, nightmare and a big ect.
Originally casper was supposed to be a dead child in his first apparence but alfred harvey, editor of harvey comics, thought this idea as too dark for a character targeted to young audiences, so officially they changed his backstory, ghost are just magical creatures unrelated to humans in most of his comics,
The comics succefully increased casper's popularity, then Harvey bought the rights of the character and started to make a new casper cartoon in 1957, the friendly ghost became so popular that in some moment in the 60´s he was the second more popular cartoon only after mickey mouse.
Casper appeared in a movie trilogy in the 90′s that also was used as inspiration for an animated spin-off, title the spooktacular new aventures of casper, that was big success, however Havey comics got bankrupt in 1995 and casper populary went downhill since then, casper’s scare school and Casper and the spectrals were his last appearances, but dreamworks bought casper and the harvey characters in 2012 so casper will make his comeback, we just need to wait.
If you don't know what casper and the spectrals is, let me tell you something : it is the best installment of the whole franchise, not only darker and edgier than other versions but also features other popular harvey characters such as Wendy the little witch and Hot stuff the litttle devil that are fan favorites in a new and action-packed story, I never heard about Hot stuff before but thanks to this comic he became my favorite character of casper franchise,
Casper and the spectrals is a limited comic book series from 2009-2010, It was published by ardden comics
Casper, Wendy and Hot Stuff must overcome their differences to defeat an ancient evil and save the world.. Written by Todd Dezago, and illusted by Pedro delgado. This story updated the casper franchise for a new audience, using new character design and a new plot to celebrate casper's 60th anniversary
Links Download as images (you don't need special software) Issue 1
Issue 2 cbr alternative Issue 3 cbr alternative
But for the last links you need to install comic book reader, here is the link for one really easy to use:
For all the casper fans I thought about uploading this to youtube or dailymotion but they deleted my videos, anyway you can get the episodes on your computer with only one click , more episodes coming soon.
Summary: A tv series based on the character Casper the friendly ghost originated from harvey comics, after the events of the movie of the same name casper has to be able to graduate from scare school, an academy for monsters and becoming scary or he would be sent to the valley of shadows, he meets Ra and Mantha, his friends.